Study of what goes on in the Equine foot during movement … excellent!

The Magic of Horses

The magic … the draw … the inner swell of Horse. What is it that is seemingly genetic in our blood that goes through the generations? The photo above is…

Something Special Happened Last Night

This happened a couple of years ago and as I re-read it I was reminded of the unique connection we can all have with our horses … so special and…

Equine Hooves Inside Out

10 weeks (60+ hours) of  TOTAL IMMERSION in the studies of the Equine Hoof ​ (Plus hours more of studies at home!) Journey every other Saturday for 10 weeks to PENZANCE in…

It’s Just a Horse …

Just a horse, eh? Just a horse who listens without condemnation. Without sharing your deepest heart secrets. Without laughing in your face for the clothes you wear. It’s just a…

Get $25 refund!

Register for any of the 3 following online courses BEFORE December 24 and get $25 refund! Natural Hoofcare 101, Connections, or Equine Natural Nutrition. Register here:

There MUST be something wrong with my horse! …

“there MUST be something physically WRONG with my horse” seems “in vogue” … the latest and greatest in excuses.” … Yeah, certainly it is and has become a big excuse….

Natural Hoofcare

ust finished our last Natural Hoofcare 101 class for this year. New one starting up in January … check it out: You CAN learn to trim your own horse’s hooves!…

Is your horse losing weight or does you horse lose weight over the cold winter days?  Check this out:

It’s Not About the Horse

horses, balance, control, alpha, boss, energy, synergistic, riding horses.

For almost 50 years I’ve lived and ridden and worked and played with horses. For almost 50 years they’ve been the most incredible teachers for me. Now, at 60 years…


How interesting is this !?!! I can attest to the ‘energy’ that organic, whole foods put out: Did an experiment not long ago. Jane brought over some ‘organic’ food and some reg….

Fall ONLINE Horse Courses!

Fall Semester … NATURAL HOOFCARE begins Sept. 20th. EQUINE NUTRITION begins Sept 22nd. Registrations now being accepted. Please register early as classes tend to fill up quickly. 101 Courses are…

Awareness Step One.

Just listened and watched this youtube video:  and as yet have been unable to process more than just a couple of thoughts about it. There is sooooooooo much in there…

I’ve added some tips on my Face Book Natural Hooftrimming page. Please feel free to join us there:

The Horse

Can we ever learn too much about the horse and his hooves? Or simply, the Horse? The hooves, the body, the mind, the WAYS of the Horse … if we…

Horses As Friends. Horses as Teachers.

When we are blessed to have a very best friend do we not think and do what we might feel is in the best interest of that friend? Why, then, do we, as much as we espouse ‘friendship with horses’, continue to think of our horses as some ‘things’ to be ‘controlled’?

On Dr. Francis M. Pottenger, Jr., MD

Dr. Francis M. Pottenger, Jr., MD Dr. Pottenger was an original thinker and keen observer whose imagination, integrity and common sense gave him the courage to question official dogma. Dedicated…

Holistic Options for Treating EHV-1

Holistic Options for Treating EHV-1
While there are no conventional treatments for the disease, those of
us who practice holistic horse health care have a few options should
our horses start showing signs of infection.