For almost 50 years I’ve lived and ridden and worked and played with horses. For almost 50 years they’ve been the most incredible teachers for me. Now, at 60 years old, I keep on traveling the levels and paths to see the depth and breadth of what they truly have for mankind. The awesomeness just keeps on growing. Day by day; horse by horse. The most interesting is that the closer I become to all horses, the closer I become to God.  There is an incredible reason why Jesus will return on a white horse. Why not an elephant or a Lion or some other animal? I don’t know the reason He chooses the Horse but I can only imagine as the Horse, to me, reveals God, Himself, pretty clearly.

When one connects with the Horse, truly connects, all time and space is faded way into the deepest background so it is virtually non-existent.  The only thing that matters is that connection. Right then. Right Now. “Self” blends right into Spirit and Spirit blends into God. Afterall, we *are* spiritual beings and Horse is, also. When the spirits blend into one with God then there is nothing other than pure Love. “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.”  Gal 5:22-23.  This scripture tells of the Fruits of the Spirit  — of God’s Spirit. It is only when we let go of our “self” that we can become “one with the Spirit”.  It is only when we let go of our “self” that we can then become connected with Horse. It is only when we let go of our “self” that we can truly fulfill our very purpose in life as was given to us at birth.

Some are not ready to let go of Self. Some still need the boost of that purse, the ribbon, the personal achievement achieved in front of humans’ eyes. The approval of ‘man’. And that’s OK — we are all right where we are to be at any given point in time. Everyone walks an individual path for which there is no judgement. Who am I to judge another? Who am I to be boastful to say I can see another’s heart? I look only within to my own. Walk your walk just as you are but take in the beauty around you and weave it into the tapestry of your spirit so you can grow. And keep growing. And keep growing.

For those who seek deeper insight and are confident in Self — then that connection with Horse is oh-so-sweet; allowing the hidden spirit to soar and reach the heavens. To reach –  God, Himself. As Jesus will return on White Horse, so I, too, am carried on the back of an amazing animal that is always connected in Spirit.

“Listen to the animals and they will teach you.”  Job 12:7.

Horse — has much to teach.