Category Archives: Training Horses

What IS “Natural Horsemanship”?

Natural horsemanship is a method of horse training that emphasizes communication, trust, and mutual respect between the horse and the trainer. The goal of natural horsemanship is to develop a…


“Horses, as with humans, have preferences and it is best to allow your horse to choose their essential oil; they will generally indicate to you what they need if you listen…

Horse Behavior

“Horses which have been refused the chance to satisfy their threat anxiety in the past might go into a kind of threat assessment frenzy, wanting to stop and look every…

Horse Whisperer or Horse LISTENER?

The photo above is a photo that was taken of me and “RED”, a mustang at Two~Hearts Mustang Rescue & Wellness Center in Rehoboth, MA.  I was doing a presentation/demo…

Lead your Horse’s Body with Your Mind

  Yep — paraphrased from this simple Aikido principle: Lead your body with your mind. If you cut something with your mind first, it makes it tremendously easier for your…

Are you PASSIONATE about your horse?

    Are you passionate about your horse? Is your heart set on giving your very best for your horse? Do you dream of one day being ‘one’ with your…

Equine Zooanthropology

Equine Zooanthropolgy starts with four key pillars:   Alterity, the other one (duet in the dialogue), otherness – Both horse and man must have both the space and opportunity to…

Massage Oil for Strenuous Workout

Almost FREE! Juniper oil extracts (obtained through distillation) are used as an external application for bone-joint difficulties, but herbalist John Lust warns “…the pure oil is irritating and in large…

Photographer Unknown

Can Horses Be Naughty?

“… we expect our horses to understand without explaining. For example, consider a horse that doesn’t want to be caught. It is much easier to label them as ‘naughty’ rather…

Work with it …

  “Accept – then act. Whatever the present moment contains, accept it as if you had chosen it. Always work with it, not against it.” ― Eckhart Tolle   How…

First Backing of the Colt

  #‎horses‬ Excellent demonstration of how to start a colt peacefully and cooperatively.  

What Role do YOU Play?

 MASTER OR SERVANT?   In the light of excellent horsemanship on needs to consider the air in which the relationship forms between horse and human. Is it one of Master-Servant?…

Horsey Phobias?

Early Morning post in *** response (see below) to someone’s comment about one of my ‘training’ videos: (She didn’t see the phobia associated with the horse in this video: Lesson with…

Training Foals

As your foal grows its imperative that he or she be taught along the way so as to become a quiet, accepting, willing ‘grownup’ without fear of humans. The following…

A to C … Creating a Spiritual Connection with your Horse

A to C … Creating a Spiritual Connection with your Horse AND … with others in your life. Confession – I’m procrastinating this morning. As usual. Visiting Facebook, scrolling and answering…


“There is no equal partnership between a prey animal and a predator. If your horse does not see you as Alpha he will run the show. …” This is a…

Meaningful Relationship …

Meaningful Relationship — It is truly everything and whatever you achieve with your horse flows from that. —


From Hostile to Heartful …

The Five Elements

What element category are you? What about your horse? Insights into ourselves and into our horses’ personalities can help bridge mis-communications and build strong partnerships through understanding, compassion and consideration….

Horses Running Away

“… The problem is that he knows how strong he is and the owner and the teens are unable to keep him back. So what he does when led is…