Tag Archives: Training Horses

Meaningful Relationship …

Meaningful Relationship — It is truly everything and whatever you achieve with your horse flows from that. — www.horsesandhumans.com


“Wherever we focus our attention the energy flows.” –gbs Stop. Right now. Right here. Just stop. Where are you? Where is your mind? Where is your attention? Wherever you focus…

It’s All About What’s In Your Heart and How You Use It.

A new book about the continuing journey of discovering the heart’s intent. OR Exploring and Ministering the Spiritual Connection between Horse and Human. “UNIVERSE WILL RESPOND TO THE DRUM THAT…

About Clicker Training – Excerpt

… “I think, Bob, that physiologically, the anticipation of a primary reinforcer (food, sex, water) will cause a very sharp rise in the dopamine levels which cause the horse to…

Opposite Illusions

What is the opposite of bucking? “Not bucking” you say? Nope, that’s not it. What is the opposite of “jigging”? Nope, wrong again. It’s not “not jigging”. What is the opposite of shoving? Hmmmm, “not shoving”? Nope … read on, my Friend.

Teaching Horses

This clip explains and exhibits a bit of how I work with horses of all ages, breeds, types, sizes and temperaments.