Category Archives: Training Horses

Are you going to feel embarrassed today?

Mark 9:33-34 “After they arrived at Capernaum and settled in a house, Jesus asked his disciples, “What were you discussing out on the road?” But they didn’t answer, because they…

Equine Agility Play Days!

Last year we had several months that included PLAY DAYS here on PENZANCE. I’m excited that I can now report that this coming season, 2012, will also see regular PLAY…

Trust …

I’m posting a blog post from cause I think its one of the most poignant posts I’ve read in a long, long time. Everyone talks about the horse has to trust…

It’s Not About the Horse

horses, balance, control, alpha, boss, energy, synergistic, riding horses.

Horses As Friends. Horses as Teachers.

When we are blessed to have a very best friend do we not think and do what we might feel is in the best interest of that friend? Why, then, do we, as much as we espouse ‘friendship with horses’, continue to think of our horses as some ‘things’ to be ‘controlled’?

Bi*chy, evil mare !!!

Arghhhhhhhhhh!  JUST read a post on a forum where someone described her horse as images of my former, horrible, buddy-sour, evil-b**ch mare THAT is just wrong. Horses are horses. They…


Wow — all these new ‘buzzwords’ coming around for “Horsemanship”. I won’t name any but suffice they’re all feel-good, words-of-the-day, to describe something that is centuries old … GOOD HORSEMANSHIP….

Can’t quite put my finger on it …

Something is in the air. Something is changing. Something which I can’t quite put my finger on. I think – the horses listen. I talk – the horses listen. I…


To give a bit of definition to 12 Senses Horsemanship, these flash cards will define each point.

TODAY :: View the flash cards and with each one think of how you can use this sense with your horse today.

12 Senses of Horsemanship

Today I am embarking on a journey — a 12 step journey. The steps may be big, they may be baby steps but they will be steps forward. Even in backwards steps we go forward if we strive to learn from them.

Care to join me?

The 12 Fastest Ways to Connect with The Horse

The 12 Fastest Ways to Connect with The Horse Modeled after “The 12 Fastest Ways to Establish Rapport” from “” by Todd Smith In his article, “The 12 Fastest Ways…

A Newsletter from Community. Join us by clicking on the link. Hundreds of pages for the Horse Lover!   INSPIRATIONAL THOUGHT … Since the beginning of my time with…

Can’t Wait!

Can’t wait til Spring! Can’t wait til the temps get into the 70’s … so much to do. So many things I want to work on with the horses and…

On Punishment or Discipline of the Horse

Random House definitions: Discipline: to punish or penalize in order to train and control; correct; chastise. Punishment: a penalty inflicted for an offense, fault, etc. Both denote that a behavior…

Rescuing Hearts

I don’t usually post links to rescues as there are just so many of them and it makes my head spin and heart break. But a gal posted to FB…

Simply for the Asking

We try to mimic horses’ behaviors and the horses laugh. — Look at you silly humans! Do you not know that we are just like you? We just look different…

Shaping the Horse

What I do is shape the horse’s character to fit in harmony with me … Uh oh — am I about to embark on something that will raise hackles ? …

Dealing with the Disrespectful Youngster – A conversation.

Dealing with the Disrespectful Youngster Jul 9, 2005 – © Gwenyth Browning Jones Santagate On the subject of dealing with exuberant and disrespectful youngsters: >>>Interesting theory but the human/horse emotions…

Is Your Horse Loved? Are you?

IS YOUR HORSE LOVED? Are YOU loved? I mean – u.n.c.o.n.d.i.t.i.o.n.a.l.l.y. Really? How can you tell? Do you fault your horse when he or she does something ‘wrong’?  In whose…