Horses As Friends. Horses as Teachers.

Good Morning Everyone!

It occurred to me this morning that perhaps some discussions on “Horses as Friends. Horses as Teachers.” might be in order.

I was reading Jean Luc Cornille and found something he said,

There is nothing pleasant to see a horse suffering for the

 satisfaction of the rider’s ego. These so call experts are not interested in learning. In fact they do not have the opportunity to learn since their entire time is devoted to convince everyone of their greatness.

When we are blessed to have a very best friend do we not think and do what we might feel is in the best interest of that friend?  Why, then, do we, as much as we espouse ‘friendship with horses’, continue to think of our horses as some ‘things’  to be ‘controlled’?  We do not attempt to control our friends.  Well, let me take that back … if we’re focused on our FRIEND then we focus on what we feel is best for our friend. Therefore, there is only the thoughts and attempts to understand. We don’t think of how to CONTROL our friend!

So why do we do that with horses?  Are you your horse’s BEST FRIEND? No, really! … are you? Or do you try to manipulate and “control” your horse?

Horses have so much to teach us … they teach us how to be compassionate, nurturing, happy in the moment, content, sensitive to others, forgiving, leadership, partnership, friendship, protectors,  … can you think of any other things that horses teach us?  Oh, patience, clarity of thought and deed, how to communicate clearly, how to live from our very core … and to follow our hearts.  They can teach us how to play, how to think, how to figure out problems, … more?  Oh, one more from my perspective … they teach us how to love unconditionally.

So given these two short exposes wouldn’t you say that horses really put up with alot from humans?

I’d say so.

What have you learned from your best friend?