Is Your Horse Loved? Are you?


Are YOU loved?

I mean – u.n.c.o.n.d.i.t.i.o.n.a.l.l.y.


How can you tell?

Do you fault your horse when he or she does something ‘wrong’?  In whose eyes, whose judgment, is your horse ‘wrong’?

Certainly not in his! If that were so then he’d be runnin’ for the hills.

When horses do something ‘wrong’, in equine judgment, then they know to run and run fast or they will end up – dinner. They will succumb to the natural order of nature in some manner.

This is the horse’s very survival mechanism.

This survival mechanism is called “flight or fight”.

And when a horse feels he is NOT LOVED – he flees.

And when he can’t flee, he fights.

And when he can’t fight, he freezes.

And then he f.a.i.n.t.s.

He leaves his mind. He hides from the horrid happening.

What do YOU do when you’re feeling exponentially fearful? Do you run? Do you fight? Do you freeze or do you faint?

Time with horses brings this out if one is aware and seeking answers. Horses MIRROR what’s inside our cores – in the deepest reaches of our hearts.

Allow yourself to feel that feeling to run, to fight, to freeze or faint.

Now allow yourself to be covered with the sweet oil of Love. Imagine —

u.n.c.o.n.d.i.t.i.o.n.a.l.  Love.

Imagine — forgiveness.

No matter what you do or say or think or feel — you are forgiven and loved.

In this love you are free.
Free to simply B.E. — who you are.

Now imagine what your horse can B.E. if you simply love him.


And instead of ‘punishing’ the ‘wrong’ behaviors,
FORGIVE him for what *you* perceive to be ‘wrong;
LOVE HIM for who he is:
TEACH him what is safer for you, for him – what is ‘acceptable’ and pleasing to you. — unconditionally.

If someone punished you when you are feeling afraid, how do you feel?

The horse, hardwired to SURVIVE  live always in the premise that at any moment he or she will cease to survive.

How does that horse feel when being punished for being fearful?

No, not a stupid, not a dumb, not an *arsehat*  horse– but — f.e.a.r.f.u.l.

yep, they are so hardwired that when they are being punished they CANNOT learn, they CANNOT understand what the handler wants, they CANNOT hear, see, taste, feel anything BUT … survival. They HAVE to survive no matter what the costs.

Instead of punishing your horse for a ‘wrong deed’, try loving him. FOCUS on loving him. Search your own heart FIRST to see what is exuding then accept and forgive and LOVE yourself so you can then Forgive and LOVE your horse.

Can’t love freely without forgiveness. Yourself OR others …

Can’t focus on the ‘wrong deed’ and try to forgive at the same time.
Can’t focus on “love” without forgiveness.
Can only focus on one thing at a time.


The relationship which you seek with your best equine friend will surpass anything you can even imagine.

Forgive. Love. Yourself, your horse.


Be the best you can be and allow your horse to be the same.

You are who you are. Your horse is who he is.

Help each other shine.