Bi*chy, evil mare !!!

Arghhhhhhhhhh!  JUST read a post on a forum where someone described her horse as

images of my former, horrible, buddy-sour, evil-b**ch mare

THAT is just wrong. Horses are horses. They are NATURALLY gentle, calm, quiet and friendly animals. Rarely will one run across a ‘naturally’ nasty, aggressive, b**chy horse.


But its not so unusual for horses to BECOME what is perceived to be bi*chy and “evil”.

How’s that again?  Well, think on it — if the equine NATURAL inclincation is to be friendly, curious, gentle, and calm, what happens when the horse comes into a situation that is domestically controlled?  What’s the main factor here?


HUMANS cause the undesired attitudes. Those undesired attitudes are born out of defensiveness.

I’ll say that again … Those undesired attitudes from horses are born out of …


So, if you encounter or have a horse that is b*tchy, evil, herd-bound (that is sooooo much a natural, innate thing for horses! … the herd-bound thing.) look to yourself.

Yep, I know — I’m being very direct and very pointed here. With intent!

What are YOU doing to cause your horse or the horse to BE DEFENSIVE?

If your horse is appearing to be “stubborn”, what are YOU doing or not doing to cause that behavior, that reaction?

If your horse doesn’t seem to WANT to be with YOU — what are YOU doing that is causing this situation?

And that is the direct and pointed thought for the day …