The Mind Dance

Mind Dance: Another post I wrote on an old blog back in 2006 …

Dear C,

As for questions on Glory … I don’t remember asking specific questions about him. The “changing beliefs” is still in my brain – haven’t lost it. It does evoke different thinking patterns on the behalf of the teacher! Requires more subtle “blending” of intent and well, “beliefs”, when working with horses. Certainly a different “feel”. As I’m thinking about it I’m feeling the difference. There was a Friesian I worked with last summer. Big, beautiful, obstinate gal!! But, then, I know she was obstinate since she didn’t know *me* and didn’t believe she needed to listen to me. *My* feeling/belief was closer to the yeehaws than I chose to remember. ExCUSE me!?!!? And just WHO do you really THINK that I am? I AM … your TRAINER. You WILL do what I’m asking. I WILL direct your feet. You WILL change your mind. yadi, yadi, yadi. Not aggressive at all but *very* strong and authoritative. You know … strong leadership and all that. But as I think on changing beliefs and blending … I realize that this, even, is too demanding; too strong; too domineering. Never mind the alpha/boss mare thang!!! *grin*. Need to grasp onto the “blending of energies/beliefs” thing … MUCH more subtle but, yet, MUCH more strong even than the “leadership” thing. Hmmmmmmm … changes in the ole brain cells. Again, changes in the human thoughts … it ain’t about the horse. *grin* am I gettin’ it? Huh? Huh? I’m FEELING it this morning. So, I must be on the right path here. Blending, blending, blending. Discussions. 2-way conversations. *Melding* of intents between horse and human. Horse has one intent; human has the opposite; must blend into one, cohesive belief. *I* know the horse can learn to think this way or that way or do this or do that but I need to gently/effectively help the horse to believe it, himself. Yes? Do I got it right? *grin* Or, am I getting it? I’m feeling more of a spiritual type of dance between horse and human. A dancing of thoughts and intents. A maturing of beliefs into a dance of minds. Unity. Harmony, for sure. A dance that can change tempos at the drop of a note effortlessly, seamlessly and without hesitations. Ooooooooo. I like this! A dance of the minds. Ahhhhhhh, the thoughts are creative this morning, yes? I do think you just became my morning journal! hahahaha. Will tuck this note away for future (near) essay collection. OK, dance is over. Gotta git going. Geeeezzzz I HATE when I’m pulled back into the here and now. *grin*