Just watched this little clip. I think it might behoove the ‘expert’ to know the parts of the hoof.…p;list=UL-y2rkosOXWg

What !?!?!?!?  —  The White Line the best place to nail the shoe !?!?!? The structure to which “Tab” is referring is really the WATER LINE – not the White line.

Wikipedia gives a good definition and clear deliniation of the two:

: “The water line is built up by the coronet and by the wall’s corium (the living tissue immediately beneath the walls). Its thickness increases proportionally to the distance from the coronet and, in the lower third of the walls, is thicker than the pigmented layer. It is very resistant to contact to the ground, and it serves mainly a support function

The white line is the inner layer of the wall. It is softer and fibrous in structure and light in color; white in a freshly trimmed hoof, yellowish or gray after exposure to air and dirt. From the underside of the healthy hoof, it is seen as a thin line joining the sole and the walls. The white line grows out from the laminar connections. Any visible derangement of the white line indicates some important derangement of laminar connections that fix the walls to the underlying P3 bone. Since the white line is softer than both the walls and the sole, it wears fast where it appears on the surface; it appears as a subtle groove between the sole and the walls, often with some debris or sand inside.”