“Mal-absorption Syndrome”

Question: Dr. said that [F’s] blood work showed he had a high degree of “Mal-absorption Syndrome”. [F]is the one that is always bruised – just wondered if you thought it’s related?

Malabsorption is a name to a group of symptoms that show, basically, a defect in the ability to absorb, utilize or transport macronutrients ie: proteins, fats, carbs, and macronutrients. It is closely inter-related with Deficiency Disease.

(Another article in my blog: http://horseconsult.wordpress.com/2010/10/17/the-soap-box/)
And interestingly, a Pancreatic insufficiency is noted to be one of the pathologies of Malabsorbtion syndrome. That leads us back to Dr. Paul Kauchokoff and his studies on LEUKOCYTOSIS. Leukocytosis caused by PROCESSED feeds.

So, now I’ll say a strong YES — the bruising and “mal-absorption syndrome” are, most definitely, related. If an animal or human is not able to utilize the nutrients are being taken in then it affects ALL systems in the body. With horses, all stress lands ***in the hooves***. So any sort of dis-ease is going to affect the hooves in some manner.

Processed equine grain/feed and hay only has an average TDN rate of about 40% – 60%  (TDN – total digestible nutrients) which means that only 40% of all the claimed ‘good nutrients’ in the feed is digestible by the horse. If the horse has any sort of deficiency syndrome then even LESS is absorbed. Cells cannot regenerate or repair themselves properly and cells, of course, make up all organs and systems.

Fresh vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds etc. all have an 80 – 100% TDN … so what does that mean? That the animal eating the ‘salads (including humans, btw)
is getting ALL the nutrition needed – can utilize ALL the benefits/properties of that food. Each veggie, fruit, nut and seed have specific health and digestive properties uniquely. A well rounded variation is going to offer what is needed for complete absorption and utilization of the nutrients in the food. Not only various vitamins but also live enzymes, phytonutrients, minerals and glyconutrients. Glyconutrients, btw, can ONLY be found in fresh, vine-ripened fruits and vegetables. (and some fish and dairy). There are 8 ESSENTIAL Glyconutrients all of which specifically feed cells. *Essential* meaning they are absolutely needed for health and well-being of the animal/human. The cells in the body cannot repair, restore, regenerate properly without glyconutrients!

Are you starting to see the full picture? We are pressured to by “THE BEST” equine manufactured food for our horses according to the individual needs. Yet even the “best” does little to nothing to help maintain full health and well-being. The body, in response to processed, manufactured food reacts as if its being poisoned. (aka Dr. Paul Kauchokoff) elevating the levels of white blood cells (leukocytes; those cells that fight off infection and toxins). And, actually, if one stops to think on it, so it is — the grain grown to be processed into the feed is super-chemicalized with pesticides, herbicides, genetic seed, fertilization, etc. … ie: Super phosphate, a well known super fertilizer, depletes the ground of COPPER , an ESSENTIAL mineral needed for health. The farms are absolutely destroyed and depleted of copper. Pat Coleby “the Natural Horse” wrote that she believed that if more copper were included in the horse’s diet that many of the hoof diseases (laminitis, white line disease,
Thrush, Yeast, Cankers, etc.) would be eliminated. I would add that many of the metabolic deficiencies would also be strongly affected by more copper in the diet.

All ‘nutrients, vitamins, minerals’ etc. have to be artificially added into the processed food. Again .. they are all artificial. So what the heck are we feeding? The body has the perfect RIGHT to react as if being poisoned! Constant elevated levels of leukocytes/white blood cells stress the body and sometimes so much that the cells turn on its own body (auto-immune syndrome/malabsorption syndrome/deficiency disease) … (long term leukocytosis).

Etc. etc. etc. (Ya ready to take my Equine Nutrition course yet? *GRIN*)

Actually, this puts YOU in a rather neat, unique situation where you have blood work and a Dx from your vet. Would you be willing to do a little ‘test’ w/me?
Start feeding the ‘salads’,including specified herbs, taking pics and recording responses (behaviorally, physically, socially, mentally etc.) as you see them and then, after a period of time (maybe 6 months or so?) have his blood work drawn again to see what changes occur? The more this information is brought to ‘light’ with documentation, the more others will be helped and encouraged with their own horses! “Natural” vets generally understand all this while conventional vets don’t have a clue! None! So then they tend to throw the animal on more chemicals that are artificially produced thus playing into the whole cycle of the original ‘syndrome’ which is … really, deficiency syndrome. I do really believe that most domestic horses, while they are being cared for with their ‘best’ in mind, are being artifically and processed to death.
They are being starved, literally. With all the hype of taking them OFF grass, keeping them dry lotted, stalling them, plying them with ‘the best’ processed feeds and artificial supplements, deworming and vaccinating them regularly with chemicals … its no wonder there is more and more EMS/IR/CUSHINGS, Heaves, Hoof Syndromes, etc.. in younger and younger horses. When all the ‘pieces’ finally fell into place w/me, it was as if an explosion took place! I’d been studying and studying and wondering and wondering and thinking and thinking, obsessively, over the last decade and more, WHY horses were getting more and more sick, earlier and earlier in age. Yes, the lifespan of the horse has increase but with what parameters? What quality of life? We sure do keep the pharmaceutical companies and the veterinarians well endowed
with residual incomes! Yikes!

OK — that’s my ‘lecture’ for the day. So — what do you think? Wanna take on that little study with your guy? *GRIN* I’ll draw up case history papers to send to you which
you can use to keep records???

Such ambition for 5 am!! ha!
🙂 — Gwen <><

EDITED TO ADD:  GO HERE: http://www.traininghorses-naturally.com/tdns-of-feeds-chart/ for TDN Chart.