Ligament & Tendon Strains

Some non-invasive things you can do or add to feed to help ligament and tendon strains.

Ruta graveolens = Homeopathics for Ligaments, Tendons.  Drop a couple of 30c pillules (that potency is found in most health food stores) in his water bucket and let him ‘self dose’.

Give 1 HEAPING TBSP Turmeric in the AM and in the PM for the next 3 days … then back off to 1 tbsp daily.

Flax seed *should* be a regular addition to the salads. That stuff is great for ‘what ails ya’ . You can start with 1/4 cup and increase to 1/2 – 3/4 cup a day or more up to 2 cups a day if needed. Gradual increases.

Manganese will increase blood flow to the tendons.  About 250 mg. a day for up to 3 weeks or less. I wouldn’t give it  continually unless you know the levels of calcium and phosphorus in the body.
Spinach, beet greens, carrots, turnips, oranges and grape seeds are good sources for it on a daily basis. Adding MSM to the diet will also help tremendously. Good stuff.

Comfrey Leaf wraps on his lower leg & fetlock (for leg issues) would be excellent if you have any fresh comfrey. If not, you can make a tea out of comfey herb and soak wrap in that to apply. Cover wrap with plastic wrap then vet wrap to hold in place. If on hoof, cover foot with Duct tape to protect wrap from elements.

Let the horse move, too, to keep the circulation going.  Do not force movement, however. Simple ways to get gentle movement:  spread hay out all over away from water source. Gentle ‘grazing’ and stretching head down to graze will aid in the circulation of the muscles and tendons/ligaments.
Not to replace veterinary consult.

Always consult with your vet if you feel that is needed.