Fixing our Horses (and ourselves)

The link is to a very, very informative (and interesting) video about the body’s natural defenses and preventing cancer. Now while we don’t normally think of cancer with regard to our horses we DO have other diseases that are out in the forefront today.  Insulin Resistance, Cushings, Arthritis, COPD, Allergies, etc. etc. … I think this video has much to reveal about not only preventing cancer in humans but preventing diseases, in general, in humans AND in our horses.  Take special note of the remarks about sugar and Omega 6’s as well as the lack of exercise and then think — what is it that our horses mainly are fed today? Processed, bagged food that contain lots of carbs, sugars and then how many of us let our horses stand in stalls for hours and hourse? No place to move, no place to gallop, no way to eat green grass (yep, that’s mentioned in the video as well — the benefits of green grass) AND … the lack of sunlight. Vitamin D.  20 mins of exposure to the sun (with no barriers/sunscreen) gives us 20,000 IU of Vitamin D. What is Vitamin D? What does it do?

  • It is crucial for the absorption and metabolism of calcium and phosphorous, which have various functions, especially the maintenance of healthy bones.
  • It is an immune system regulator.
  • It helps to keep the brain healthy.
  • Helps to maintain healthy body weight.
  • It can reduce the severity and frequency of asthma COPD/Heaves symptoms
  • It has been shown to reduce the risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis in women.
  • Adequate levels of vitamin D have a significantly lower risk of developing cancer, compared to people  [horses, too] with lower levels.
This video also backs up what I’ve been saying about the increase of processed foods and the increase of Equine diseases over the last 50 years or so …
We may think we’re providing the BEST for our horses  – the best low carb/low sugar PROCESSED feed – the best vitamin/minerals supplements – the best anti-inflammatory medications – the best this or that when the studies with humans, as depicted in this video, say the complete opposite. It is BECAUSE of the processed foods, the chemicals, the artificial this or that, the herbicides, pesticides, chemical pest deterrents, etc that increases in cancer and other diseases are seen in the last 50 years.
Watch this and then THINK …  about yourself and about your horses.