A Matter of the Heart

I came to realize, a number of years ago, that working with horses is not just a matter of mechanics and training but a matter of the heart.

The soul.

The very life-giving breath of each individual.

It’s not a matter of dominance or control or manipulation or mechanics. It’s a matter of relationship, communication, two-way respect and of friendship.
Friendship with another species who shares and gives freely on this earth; Asking no more than to have enough to eat, shelter, friends and peace in each moment in time. Friendship that crosses the physical barriers of this world and weaves a beautiful, fulfilling tapestry of spirit-to-spirit conversation and understanding.
Friendship that is fragile yet forgiving.
Friendship that is loyal and honest, open and without masks.

A true friendship.
A true partnership for life.

When one opens one’s heart the possibilities of the relationship with the horse is endless. The horse enpowers us to be ourselves; to be our best selves. If we but listen and take to heart the lessons that each horse brings to us we discover a person within of whom we had no knowledge, no intimacy, no connection.

The horse connects us.
To ourselves.
To him.

He helps us overcome our fears so we can forge through another day, another afternoon, another hour.

He gives us reason to get up in the morning and a reason to dream sweetly at night.

He teaches us tolerance and gifting and thinking and love. Unconditional.

He teaches us the law of consequences.

He teaches us … how to live life, now.

Those who remain in the world of mechanics and dominance are forever doomed to remain in that place. Never fully experiencing the colors of the tapestry that can be created simply from opening the heart to the horse in full. That place remains dark and colors the world around the dark heart. In all of life.

But an open heart that has taken in the fullness of what horse has to offer is like a flower that has burst into full bloom with reds and oranges and yellows. Gently giving to the winds that cause its leaves and life to rock in the breeze of life’s turmoils and trials.

An open heart that has welcomed in horse is a heart that can light up the world.
In the fullness of grace from horse and from God.

Learn to be the best you can be. Open your heart fully. Throw away the manuals that tell you what equipment you need to control your horse. Throw away the old conceptions of what you’ve learned from man concerning horse. Throw away the sticks, the whips,the spurs, the bridle. All instruments of control.

And turn it all back to the horse, with an open heart.

Pick up the brush of spirit and learn to together paint beautiful heart tapestries with your horse, your Friend, your Partner.

Shhhhhhh, can you hear? Will you listen to what he has to tell you?

He and others carry the secrets of living life to the fullest … just as you are. Where you sit. Where you live. Everyday, every hour, every second in time.

Shhhhhhhh, be still … can you hear? The voice is silent yet all so powerful it will fill your heart with God’s grace and cause it to overflow.

But do not worship the horse. They are not to be worshipped.

They are to be loved as the gifts they are.
From He who created you … after He created Horse.