Tag Archives: IR

It’s all Connected

Whole body inflammation, also known as systemic inflammation (SI), refers to a state where inflammation occurs throughout the body rather than being localized to a specific area. It can be…


Every time I see a post somewhere about a  horse with Cushings or EMS or IR and on some prescribed pharmaceutical I cringe and so wish I could just jump…


Fresh fruits and veggies for horses?  Worried about IR and EMS horses and the sugar ‘spikes’ from fresh foods?  INDEX vs. GLYCEMIC LOAD … a good, simple explanation.  There’s nothing…

Green Tidings: Go Coo Coo for Coconut Oil

Modern research�shows that the medium chain fatty acids (MCFA)�help to increase metabolism, and are more easily digested than fats found in other oils. This is because they are processed directly…

Quickie Post on Apple Cider Vinegar & EMS/IR

* Diabetes. The effect of vinegar on blood glucose levels is perhaps the best-researched and the most promising of apple cider vinegar’s possible health benefits. Several studies have found that…

Diet for the IR:Metabolic Horse

Excerpt from article by Dr. Melyni Worth, Diet Recommendations for Equine Cushings and Cushings-Like-Syndrome, AKA Insulin Resistance PLEASE NOTE: [notes in brackets and italics mine for references] Dietary (non-drug) supplements…